Fields of Love - 3rd to 5th July 2020 Tickets


By paying you accept that you are responsible for your own health and safety while on the Fields of Love weekend. Please note that the river has particularly strong currents and we strongly advise against swimming in it if you are not a strong swimmer.

The cost of Field of Love Festival is just £50. Early Bird £45. Children are free. Day Tickets are £20 or with 1 night camping £30

If you have a dog you must pay a £30 dog deposit. Sorry to do this but too many complaints were received about dogs fouling and being off leads.

Live In Vehicles must pay £1. This is so that we can gauge how many live-in vehicles we need to make space for. The live-in vehicle area is not for tents, this is because we are limited for space for vehicles.

Please bring a printout of your payment with you to the camp as proof of ticket purchase.

Be sure to select return to merchant after paying so that you receive the directions.

0 ) $total += ( $adults * 45 ); if($child > 0 ) //$total += ( $child * $campcost); //$total += ( $child * 15); if($dayticket > 0 ) $total += ( $dayticket * 20); if($dayticket2 > 0 ) $total += ( $dayticket2 * 30); if($liveinveh > 0 ) $total += ( $liveinveh * 1); if($dog > 0 ) $total += ( $dog * 30); ?>

Adults =

Children =

Day Tickets =

Day Tickets with 1 night camping =

Live In Vehicle =

Dog =

Be sure to select return to merchant after paying so that you receive the directions.

Total Cost = £