
Conscious Camp Timetable September 2017

Main Marquee

13:00 - 14:00
Delicious Lunch prepared by Fiona & Amanda
13:00 - 14:00
Delicious Lunch prepared by Fiona & Amanda

Yoga Nidra with Kirsty
17:30 - 18:30
Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation and conscious relaxation practice that leaves you with a sense of integration and wholeness. I
Yoga Nidra with Kirsty
17:30 - 18:30
Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation and conscious relaxation practice that leaves you with a sense of integration and wholeness. I

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation and conscious relaxation practice that leaves you with a sense of integration and wholeness. It allows for physical, mental, and emotional relaxation, calmness and clarity. It is often referred to as yogic sleep and whilst being among the deepest possible states of relaxation it is also one of the easiest and most loved of all yoga practices. This beautiful practice helps to establish harmony in the body-mind. It relaxes and rejuvenates the whole body promoting better health. It allows the mind to be focused effortlessly, intuition is developed. We can learn to let go, relax and enjoy the experience that follows. Suitable for all. Yoga Nidra can be carried out lying or sitting down. No experience of yoga is required. Please bring a blanket and something to lie on.

18:30 - 19:30
Lovingly prepared dinner by Fiona & Amanda
18:30 - 19:30
Lovingly prepared dinner by Fiona & Amanda

Bodhran Drumming
19:45 - 20:45
Bodhrán Drumming (The Celtic drum) Explore this Celtic instrument as both a musical and ritual experience. Absolute beginners upwards.
Bodhran Drumming
19:45 - 20:45
Bodhrán Drumming (The Celtic drum) Explore this Celtic instrument as both a musical and ritual experience. Absolute beginners upwards.

Bodhran Drumming How to play this amazing drum and change the way you feel for the better. Meditation drumming, drumming for ritual, as well as jigs and reels. No experience necessary

Naked Voice with Sally
21:00 - 22:00
Naked Voice with Sally
21:00 - 22:00

Awakening Dance with Steve
08:00 - 09:00
Start the day by waking your body with dance
Awakening Dance with Steve
08:00 - 09:00
Start the day by waking your body with dance

The mind body connection is one of the most undervalued parts of our development. In this 40 minute dance I will take you on a playful journey to wake your body without you even realising it.

08:00 - 09:00
Yummy Breakfast prepared by Fiona & Amanda
08:00 - 09:00
Yummy Breakfast prepared by Fiona & Amanda

Understand your Dreams
09:00 - 10:00
Understand yourself with projective dreamwork. We work in a group. People take turns to share a dream. Others in the group ask questions for clarification before offering possible interpretations. This usually leads to insight for the dreamer, termed an "aha" moment.Even if you don't have a dream to share you bring your own projections onto the dreams of others. Everybody wins.
Understand your Dreams
09:00 - 10:00
Understand yourself with projective dreamwork. We work in a group. People take turns to share a dream. Others in the group ask questions for clarification before offering possible interpretations. This usually leads to insight for the dreamer, termed an "aha" moment.Even if you don't have a dream to share you bring your own projections onto the dreams of others. Everybody wins.

I have been doing projective drreamwork since 1998, when I took a course with Jeremy Taylor at the University of Creation Spirituality in Oakland, California.It gives you real insight into your psychological processes and because you get multiple interpretations you can unpick the many-layered meaning of dream symbols. For the basic guide rules of projective dreamwork, I recommend the Dreamwork Toolkit of Jeremy Taylor at: http://www.jeremytaylor.com/dream_work/dream_work_toolkit/index.html

Sound Bath with Maria
10:15 - 11:15
You will be guided into a meditation with poetry and sound to take you into a deep relaxation and healing journey.
Sound Bath with Maria
10:15 - 11:15
You will be guided into a meditation with poetry and sound to take you into a deep relaxation and healing journey.

We will use our voices with 432hz & sounds to expand our consciousness, in this workshop the people will participate too, using their voices to chakra tune their bodies. Movement with shamanic drum before lying down to be read poetry and stories that will guide them into a deeply relaxing journey that will take them into another dimension. Maria is qualified sound therapist, trained with Tim Wheater and Cherabelle Sanson ( Tim was originally a student of Jonathan Goldman, the Father of Sound Healing.) Maria has some training in counselling and has worked in mental health co facilitating groups as well as supporting the homeless. She is a published poet and had a book of poetry published in 2012. She is now weaving her poetry into more meditative poems for sound journeys. Sound healing using a combination of instruments from around the world including Shamanic drum, Gong, Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks and voice with shruti, sound has been found to reduce stress and can help client into a meditative state. benefits of sound healing are helping lessen such symptoms as anxiety, chronic pain, sleep disorders, and PTSD. One to ones will be available too. <3

Find your focus with Kirsty
11:30 - 13:00
Yoga techniques to align our internal compass in the direction of the life we truly desire- a Yoga as Alchemy Workshop
Find your focus with Kirsty
11:30 - 13:00
Yoga techniques to align our internal compass in the direction of the life we truly desire- a Yoga as Alchemy Workshop

“Our thoughts create our reality. Where we place our focus determines the direction we go” To achieve true direction and transformation in our lives we must learn to cultivate the ability to be able to focus on the integrity of each action, rather than the outcome we hope to achieve. We can develop this quality of focus in our yoga practice by approaching our practice with commitment, but without ambition, holding poses in a manner in which we maintain the integrity of the pose’s alignment without sacrificing the quality of the breath. When we are able to direct our effort and attention to simple actions: staying aware of our breath and our body as we hold a pose we also develop our ability to follow through on our intentions and know what is right for us in our life. We find our focus, our individual internal inner compass and can allow this to create tuly, rich, conscious and delicious lives. In this workshop we will sequence traditional yoga postures with the breath, develop drisits (gaze positions) work with pranayama (breathwork), meditation and will conclude with a lovely yoga nidra relaxation (yogic sleep) The beauty of yoga is that it is 100% inclusive. It is for everyone regardless of age or levels of fitness. The only requirement in yoga is to simply show up with a willingness and curiosity to explore and uncover its many gifts. All levels are welcome even if you’ve never done yoga before. Kirsty teaches in a way that allows everyone to work at a level and pace that suits you as an individual. Modifications and progressions are offered so you can choose the right challenges for you. Yoga will meet you wherever you are. Bio- Kirsty is a dedicated yoga practitioner & teacher. Wellness, nutrition and lifestyle are huge passions of hers and she hopes her enthusiasm for these areas inspires others to lead more inspired, healthy, prosperous and enjoyable lives. She aims to make workshops fun, accessible & enriching for all of her students offering skills that can be applied to daily life. She holds a teaching diploma with The British Wheel of Yoga (500 hours), an Ashtanga Teacher Certification (David Swenson) and an Advanced Teacher Diploma in Traditional Yoga (Yoga Alliance 500 hours) under the guidance of Sri A. L. V. Kumar in India. She is fully trained to teach meditation and pranayama. Kirsty is currently apprenticed to The School of Movement Medicine, is a certified ecstatic dance teacher and holds advanced diplomas in Naturopathy and Nutritional healing She also holds qualifications in other areas of personal development, is a certified trainer of NLP and is a founder director of The Mentis Sanctuary. What to bring: We recommend wearing comfortable clothing and bringing layers. We have yoga mats but if you have your own you can bring that. If you have a blanket that you can bring for the relaxation that would be great

13:00 - 14:00
Delicious Lunch prepared by Fiona & Amanda
13:00 - 14:00
Delicious Lunch prepared by Fiona & Amanda

Mugwort Ceremony with Debs
14:15 - 15:45
Experience the wisdom of one of our indigenous plant teachers – Lady Mugwort. Held as a shamanic ceremony including journeying, movement and sound work, this ceremony will connect you with your roots, help you access your sources of guidance and embody your soul's calling.
Mugwort Ceremony with Debs
14:15 - 15:45
Experience the wisdom of one of our indigenous plant teachers – Lady Mugwort. Held as a shamanic ceremony including journeying, movement and sound work, this ceremony will connect you with your roots, help you access your sources of guidance and embody your soul's calling.

Mugwort is a beautiful herb from this land: also known as Cronewort she helps us to connect with our deep Yin nature for healing and guidance. We will take a shamanic journey to the Heart of Pachamama for you to receive insights and healing in your souls path and your role in community. We’ll explore sharing and energy exercises to help you bring those insights into full embodiment then the session will conclude with some gentle sound and movement practice to help you ground and integrate. This ceremony is for you if you: – are ready to encounter deep healing – love the wisdom of the plant realm – are ready to journey for guidance – appreciate the strength and fluidity of sitting in circle – sorry – not for you if you’re pregnant This ceremony is held by Debra Delglyn a full-time practitioner based in Manchester. With a background in business and teaching, she integrates a practical western worldview with an energy-based shamanic understanding fuelled by extensive travels and training over the last 13 years. She works powerfully with the energy of Grandmother/Sage and holds space with integrity and humour. For more information: www.thewisdompath.co.uk

Opening Ceremony
15:45 - 16:15
The opening of Sacred Space where we come together united in love, healing, joy and happiness.
Opening Ceremony
15:45 - 16:15

Guided Journey with Katie
16:30 - 18:30
Guided Journey to meet the spirit – the energy of this land
Guided Journey with Katie
16:30 - 18:30
Guided Journey to meet the spirit – the energy of this land

Beginning with a guided exercise to ground, clear and connect…journeying to meet the energy of this land that we are spending time with this camp. With the opportunity to ask questions, receive insights and learn ways we can assist and work with sacred land.

18:30 - 19:30
Lovingly prepared dinner by Fiona & Amanda
18:30 - 19:30
Lovingly prepared dinner by Fiona & Amanda

Cacao Dance Meditation
19:45 - 21:30
Cacao Dance Meditation TBC
Cacao Dance Meditation
19:45 - 21:30
Cacao Dance Meditation TBC

432hz Crystal Sound Harmonic Resonance Experience with Andrea
21:30 - 23:00
Experience the harmonic resonance of 432hz quartz crystal bowls. Felt on all levels of our being, using the 432 hz frequencies and harmonics we allow the mind chat a rest and it is the turn of the body to teach and entrain the mind. Resonating with these universal harmonics of nature we come back to our true personal resonance and we allow our bodies to relax fully and reach deep states of meditation and peace. Join with like minded souls for a 1 hour shared experience of these incredibly harmonious frequencies.
432hz Crystal Sound Harmonic Resonance Experience with Andrea
21:30 - 23:00
Experience the harmonic resonance of 432hz quartz crystal bowls. Felt on all levels of our being, using the 432 hz frequencies and harmonics we allow the mind chat a rest and it is the turn of the body to teach and entrain the mind. Resonating with these universal harmonics of nature we come back to our true personal resonance and we allow our bodies to relax fully and reach deep states of meditation and peace. Join with like minded souls for a 1 hour shared experience of these incredibly harmonious frequencies.

Why 432 hz? Since 1953 all of our music worldwide has been tuned to the standard concert pitch of A=440 Hz as agreed and promoted by the International Standards Organization (ISO) . Before this point, through ancient times most instruments… native flutes, sitars, didgeridoos were all tuned to 432 hz. Even with just 8hz difference it is said that the 440hz tuning may create disharmony in our systems, when we look at the vibratory nature of the universe and cymatics, it's a clear possibility that this pitch is not harmonious with the natural resonance of nature and could cause less than desirable effects on our behaviour and consciousness. The benefits of re tuning ourselves to the universal harmonics of nature are profound…working with the 432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. It is said that 432 Hz vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code, and consciousness. There is much research out there and i would invite you if you feel called to research deeper into this subject. I will also be available to discuss this in more detail before and after the session. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiralling pattern of nature, our sense of connection and well being is said to be magnified. This interesting number, 432, also come up again in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, as well as the procession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, and the Sri Yantra, alongside many other sacred sites. In this harmonic resonance session we will be working with 7 Quartz Crystal Singing bowls all tuned to this 432hz Scale, we work with sacred geometry and Pythagorean intervals to create peace and harmony in our systems. Why Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls? Working with Quartz crystal acts as an oscillator, magnifying and transmitting pure tones. This is why pure quartz crystal is used in all the most advanced telecommunications systems. Like a powerful radio transmitter, the crystal bowls transmit energy into the atmosphere, enhanced with clarity and intention. A sacred space is created and we journey deeply with these pure crystalline tones Each crystal bowl is made of 99.9999 % Quartz Crystal heated to 4000 degrees and then are molded…it is only afterwards that they are tested for there frequency and note. These pure tones vibrate our bodies on all levels beautifully because as beings we have a natural affinity to quartz. The human body is composed of many crystalline substances – the bones, blood and DNA are crystalline in structure, as well as the liquid crystal-colloidal structure of the brain. Even on a molecular level, our cells contain silica, which balances our electromagnetic energies, this connection is powerful and is felt. In this session we will be creating harmony, balance, stability and coherence in our systems. Through the breathe and consistency of the 432hz pure tones we allow a re-balancing to take place on all levels. From this space we can fully align with our true unique frequency and resonance and reach deep states of peace within As always experience is everything…come feel for yourself! "If you want to understand the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Nikola Tesla. In devotion to the whole x

Chakra Dancing and Creative Mediation with Fae
08:00 - 09:00
Chakra Dancing and creative mediation is a free flow movement and meditation session. We will be dancing through the 7 chakras, grounding the energy and releasing stress and emotion, having fun, connecting with ourselves and with others in a non-judgmental and harmonising space.
Chakra Dancing and Creative Mediation with Fae
08:00 - 09:00
Chakra Dancing and creative mediation is a free flow movement and meditation session. We will be dancing through the 7 chakras, grounding the energy and releasing stress and emotion, having fun, connecting with ourselves and with others in a non-judgmental and harmonising space.

The class uses the music created to resonate with the chakras. We dance up from the root and into the crown. It is free flow so free expression is encouraged. We begin with a short mediation and end with one. There are sound healing instruments used and some other activities that invoke connections with others and ourselves.

08:00 - 09:00
Yummy Breakfast prepared by Fiona & Amanda
08:00 - 09:00
Yummy Breakfast prepared by Fiona & Amanda

Sound Bath with Estelle
09:00 - 10:00
Solfeggio based instruments using Crystal Healing Bowls, Tuning Pipes & Forks attuned to the powerful Solfeggio frequencies.
Sound Bath with Estelle
09:00 - 10:00
Solfeggio based instruments using Crystal Healing Bowls, Tuning Pipes & Forks attuned to the powerful Solfeggio frequencies.

I also include other instruments such as the Gongs Tibetan Bowls & with my experience & training in Shamanic Practice I use Native American Drumming. The voice is also used Toning, overtoning & chant & I include collaborative sound with Simon Heather & Jonathan Goldman. I have facilitated @ various festivals including Glastonbury Festival Healing Fields, One World Festival, Trifle Festival & will be faciltating @ Mind Body Spirit Festival – Birmingham NEC in November this year. I collaborate reguarly with Dhyan Ananda Prasada Dakini @ various events. Ultimately I believe in & have great Love & passion for what I do, bringing the body, mind & spirit back into balance, raising vibration & consciousness there`s nothing more rewarding than that!

Ancestral Empowerment
10:05 - 11:30
In this workshop we will first address the issues that need healing: the patterns, conditioning and beliefs that have been handed down to us in our DNA and in our upbringing.
Ancestral Empowerment
10:05 - 11:30
In this workshop we will first address the issues that need healing: the patterns, conditioning and beliefs that have been handed down to us in our DNA and in our upbringing.

Ancestral Healing & Empowerment Your Ancestors were incredibly successful – they all lived long enough to continue the family line – otherwise you would not be here! More often than not our attention is focused on the dysfunction that has been handed to us along with our heritage, but the simple truth is that our Ancestors long for us also to ‘succeed’ – we are their chance to heal the patterns that they didn’t. In this workshop we will first address the issues that need healing: the patterns, conditioning and beliefs that have been handed down to us in our DNA and in our upbringing. Then we will bring conscious awareness and intent into our Ancestral relationships in order to: Work with the Great Council of the Grandmothers Identify the major themes running through our lives Invoke the Constellations model to access the Akashic records Offer and receive healing through the Ancestral lines Journey to the Grandmothers for guidance and insight Led by Debra G Delglyn - a Shamanic practitioner and Facilitator who has traveled widely to study and be initiated into the tradition of the Grandmothers, as well as the Q’ero Inka practices and others to support healing and transformation. Debra is also offering individual healings including shamanic clearing, reconnection bodywork and Lion Card readings. Debra Delglyn; 07866 427690; debby@the-bodyworks.com

Shiva Shakti Flow: Finding the balance within with Jess & Tom
11:35 - 13:00
A unique living workshop incorporating guided meditation, sound healing, shamanic drum journeying, discussion snd group interaction allowing participants to explore and rebalance their divine masculine and divine feminine energies. Jessica and Tom have been running separate women’s and men’s circles over the last few years and this will be their first collaboration working with men and women together in the same space.
Shiva Shakti Flow: Finding the balance within with Jess & Tom
11:35 - 13:00
A unique living workshop incorporating guided meditation, sound healing, shamanic drum journeying, discussion snd group interaction allowing participants to explore and rebalance their divine masculine and divine feminine energies. Jessica and Tom have been running separate women’s and men’s circles over the last few years and this will be their first collaboration working with men and women together in the same space.

In this 2 hour workshop we will explore the meaning of the masculine and feminine qualities, look at imbalances and how we can get back to a more centred way of being. Their will be a share circle in a safely held space, guided meditations using sound healing, shamanic drum journeying and interaction as a group to reach a feeling of integration with the cosmic mother and father, both within and without. This offering is a culmination of Jessica and Toms individual work bringing together what they have learnt to create a unique living workshop that will be different each time it is held. Exploring the aspects and archetypes of the divine masculine and divine feminine to help us access both qualities and balance these within ourselves, helping to create a more harmonious flow in our lives.

13:00 - 14:00
Delicious Lunch prepared by Fiona & Amanda
13:00 - 14:00
Delicious Lunch prepared by Fiona & Amanda

Nutrition with Kirsty
14:15 - 15:45
This workshop will discuss Naturopathic approaches to nutrition. Naturopathic nutrition supports the body holistically, empowering the person, restoring balance and creating an internal environment that supports optimum health and increases our potential as human beings.
Nutrition with Kirsty
14:15 - 15:45
This workshop will discuss Naturopathic approaches to nutrition. Naturopathic nutrition supports the body holistically, empowering the person, restoring balance and creating an internal environment that supports optimum health and increases our potential as human beings.

The body never works against us, it is always doing the best it can for us in any situation. Given the right environment and the right raw materials, the body is its own incredible pharmacy and can create all it needs to flourish allowing activation and reactivation of what the body already knows so you can feel fantastic, consistently. We will use this hour workshop to explore the keys to support the body in being the healthiest it can be so you can truly thrive and shine. You will have the opportunity to ask questions during the interactive part of the workshop.

30 Minute Camp Silence
15:45 - 16:15
A chance to ground and connect before we move in to 5 Rhythms.
30 Minute Camp Silence
15:45 - 16:15

A chance to ground and connect before we move in to 5 Rhythms.

5 Rhythms with Francis
16:30 - 18:30
5Rhythms is a simple but profound movement meditation practice designed to release the free, spontaneous dancer that lives in every body regardless of it's limitations or experience.
5 Rhythms with Francis
16:30 - 18:30
5Rhythms is a simple but profound movement meditation practice designed to release the free, spontaneous dancer that lives in every body regardless of it's limitations or experience.

5Rhythms is a simple but profound movement meditation practice designed to release the free, spontaneous dancer that lives in every body regardless of it's limitations or experience. Rather than having steps to learn each rhythm provides us with a different energy field in which you arrive into your own unique embodiment and expression, thereby stretching and releasing your imagination as well as your body. In this session we will dance alone, with partners and as a group because in life these 3 levels of relating exist. We allow movement and breath rather than thinking to be the medicine that moves us into an increasingly easier relationship with all of life" Francis has been teaching 5Rhythms since completing his training with Gabrielle Roth in 2005. He teaches every Monday evening at the Methodist Church in Hebden Bridge from 7.15 to 9.30

18:30 - 19:30
Lovingly prepared dinner by Fiona & Amanda
18:30 - 19:30
Lovingly prepared dinner by Fiona & Amanda

Conscious rainbow Touch
19:45 - 21:15
Journey through the chakras with conscious gazing, touching and hugging. Explore methods of deepening connection to experience closer kinship and authentic unconditional love energy.
Conscious rainbow Touch
19:45 - 21:15
Journey through the chakras with conscious gazing, touching and hugging. Explore methods of deepening connection to experience closer kinship and authentic unconditional love energy.

Each Chakra offers a unique trait and energy. We will journey through different practices to open and connect with each other from each chakra. From the security of root to the unity of crown within the group establishing a rainbow bridge of love light. As we go from consciously establishing our boundaries to allowing our energy fields to merge in oneness. This workshop allows you to feel the deep safe connection to your fellow tribe and gives you skills to use outside of the camp too. Enhancing your connection and truth about your boundaries.

Gong Sound Bath with Suzie
21:30 - 23:00
Gong Sound Bath with Suzie
Gong Sound Bath with Suzie
21:30 - 23:00
Gong Sound Bath with Suzie

Awakening Dance with Steve
08:00 - 09:00
Start the day by waking your body with dance
Awakening Dance with Steve
08:00 - 09:00
Start the day by waking your body with dance

The mind body connection is one of the most undervalued parts of our development. In this 40 minute dance I will take you on a playful journey to wake your body without you even realising it.

08:00 - 09:00
Yummy Breakfast prepared by Fiona & Amanda
08:00 - 09:00
Yummy Breakfast prepared by Fiona & Amanda

Chants from around the world/Body Toning using the voice
09:00 - 10:00
Singing chants and mantras from around the world and using your voice to tone your body using ancient toning sounds.
Chants from around the world/Body Toning using the voice
09:00 - 10:00
Singing chants and mantras from around the world and using your voice to tone your body using ancient toning sounds.

June has held the toning and chanting workshop at 2 Conscious Camps now and the feedback has always been good. We do some very gentle chants and mantras from around the world and also have some instruments to accompany us. We intertwine these with toning exercises to release pain and hurt from the physical, emotional and mental bodies. This is a fun filled workshop and you do not have to be able to sing to join, just come along and enjoy. Discover your own voice and enjoy the simple way in which to heal yourself. TONING EXERCISES Toning elongated vowel sounds like OO, AAH, and EEE, has a profoundly healing effect on the body and mind. The longer the tone is held, the more it becomes possible to hear the overtones within the fundamental tone. Dr Tomatis's work has shown how important different frequencies of sound are for our body. The high frequency sounds above 3,000 Hz actually charge up our brain, giving us more energy and helping us to think more clearly. “Stand erect, feet several inches apart. Stretch both arms high, and let them drop back, shoulders swinging on the spine as a cross bar rests on top of a T, in perfect balance. The eyes must be closed, begin to look inward, and feel. Stand erect relaxed, let the body sway slightly to get the pulsation of life, feeling this magical process of aliveness within and around you, let your body speak. Relax the jaws. Let the sound come up through your from your feet. Let your body groan. Empty out. Start with low groans. Groan out all the hurts.”

Laughter Yoga with Andy
10:15 - 11:15
We initiate laughter through exercises in a group with eye contact, childlike playfulness and includes breathing /stretching techniques.
Laughter Yoga with Andy
10:15 - 11:15
We initiate laughter through exercises in a group with eye contact, childlike playfulness and includes breathing /stretching techniques.

No experience necessary, all you need is a willingness to laugh. We initiate laughter through exercises in a group, with eye contact, childlike playfulness and using breathing /stretching techniques.

Gaia's womb
11:30 - 13:00
You will go on a journey with truth, be heard, seen and allowed to give birth through your hands to your own clay fertility goddess. This is an experimental union of sacred circle and art therapy. Gaia's womb welcomes all family to sit as one- all ages and genders.
Gaia's womb
11:30 - 13:00
You will go on a journey with truth, be heard, seen and allowed to give birth through your hands to your own clay fertility goddess. This is an experimental union of sacred circle and art therapy. Gaia's womb welcomes all family to sit as one- all ages and genders.

Who are you? What are your fears + dreams? What is the intent you want to plant? A goddess circle for family to come and give birth to their own treasure. We will combine 2 very ancient sacred practices- sitting in circle and sculpting the goddess, Venus, Gaia. A place to release our truth and give birth to a goddess that we can treasure and take away with us. She will dry in the air, and be called on any time we need to harness the magic of her fertile waters to help give birth to our seeds. We will practice art as a therapy to unlock our potential to be our own unique light and plant the seeds of our soul. This is a space to be heard, held and felt. This is a place where you are all welcome to be you, and are invited to give birth to your own divine creation. Come with courage to be you wholly and to step into the light of the seeds calling you. Come and know we are your family and it is safe here. Come and know that whatever your hands touch can create magic bountyFULL life. Come and know we all come from our mother goddess.

13:00 - 14:00
Delicious Lunch prepared by Fiona & Amanda
13:00 - 14:00
Delicious Lunch prepared by Fiona & Amanda

Inner Dance Breathwork
14:15 - 16:00
Claire will be holding a breath work session to heighten your perception and expand your consciousness
Inner Dance Breathwork
14:15 - 16:00
Claire will be holding a breath work session to heighten your perception and expand your consciousness

Claire will be holding a breath work session to heighten your perception and expand your consciousness... feel the divine flow of abundance moving through you as you connect back to the universal breath and fill yourself up with cosmic life force energy.

Closing Ceremony
16:00 - 16:30
Closing of Sacred Space
Closing Ceremony
16:00 - 16:30

Conscious Touch with Diana
16:45 - 18:15
Experiential workshop delving into how having clear boundaries has us feel safe and then allows us to open to others.
Conscious Touch with Diana
16:45 - 18:15
Experiential workshop delving into how having clear boundaries has us feel safe and then allows us to open to others.

We move though the Wheel of Consent (BettyMartin.org). and discover what holds us back in knowing and communicating our boundaries. Learning to recognise the shadow side of boundaries and how it feels in our body for future reference so we can recall and use the tools of conscious boundary setting. Practise touching others using conscious boundaries in a safe setting with guidance and feedback.

18:30 - 19:30
Lovingly prepared dinner by Fiona & Amanda
18:30 - 19:30
Lovingly prepared dinner by Fiona & Amanda

Main Marquee