Main Marquee CC MAY 2023
Want to learn how to respond to life and not just react? Sometimes feel lost, disconnected, or stuck? Then this workshop is for YOU. In this Introduction to Sovereignty Breathwork workshop, you will be given the tips, understanding and science behind WHY Conscious Connected Breathwork is powerful and vital for our overall health and well-being. Giving you a clearer understanding of why we have blocked and disrupted Breathing Patterns (and what a Breathing Pattern actually is) plus how to work through any blocks and disruptions to your respiratory system. Gaining deeper insights into HOW & WHY we hold so much of our emotional past in the way we Breathe. Accessing the tools, you need to help get those trapped and stuck emotional stressors out of the physical body so the emotional, mental, and spiritual self, feel free again.
In this ceremony (which is open to all bodies) we will journey through movement, breath, sound alchemy & quantum healing into a Rose Temple space where you will receive some deep clearing. There will be space to integrate then after you will receive a personal healing code for your Souls Evolution.
In this workshop we choose one conflict and using techniques and teachings from my book How to Let Love Win we generate lasting breakthroughs and restore Love. In the longer version we experience a powerful release of suppressed emotion through. using the Shiva Fire Breath (as taught to me by Babaji). "We met last August and discussed my estranged daughter, who I hadn't seen for over 10 years. She is now 23. You gave me some clear guidance about what to say and a new perspective on the issue. Well, turns out the universe conspired to assist and I have now met her twice – each time for about 3 hours. We walk by the river and talk, catch up. It's very early days and we haven't yet touched any difficult subject matter. There will be time enough for that. I think we are both trying to preserve what we have back and are enjoying the moment. But we can hug and laugh and bask in the joy of being reunited I wanted to write and thank you. I feel a deep and profound sense of gratitude – both that I met you and for the guidance, you were able to impart. That gratitude will be etched into me forever so please know you have had an extraordinary impact on my life." It works!
Why 432 hz? Since 1953 all of our music worldwide has been tuned to the standard concert pitch of A=440 Hz as agreed and promoted by the International Standards Organization (ISO) . Before this point, through ancient times most instruments… native flutes, sitars, didgeridoos were all tuned to 432 hz. Even with just 8hz difference it is said that the 440hz tuning may create disharmony in our systems, when we look at the vibratory nature of the universe and cymatics, it's a clear possibility that this pitch is not harmonious with the natural resonance of nature and could cause less than desirable effects on our behaviour and consciousness. The benefits of re tuning ourselves to the universal harmonics of nature are profound…working with the 432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. It is said that 432 Hz vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code, and consciousness. There is much research out there and i would invite you if you feel called to research deeper into this subject. I will also be available to discuss this in more detail before and after the session. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiralling pattern of nature, our sense of connection and well being is said to be magnified. This interesting number, 432, also come up again in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, as well as the procession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, and the Sri Yantra, alongside many other sacred sites. In this harmonic resonance session we will be working with 7 Quartz Crystal Singing bowls all tuned to this 432hz Scale, we work with sacred geometry and Pythagorean intervals to create peace and harmony in our systems. Why Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls? Working with Quartz crystal acts as an oscillator, magnifying and transmitting pure tones. This is why pure quartz crystal is used in all the most advanced telecommunications systems. Like a powerful radio transmitter, the crystal bowls transmit energy into the atmosphere, enhanced with clarity and intention. A sacred space is created and we journey deeply with these pure crystalline tones Each crystal bowl is made of 99.9999 % Quartz Crystal heated to 4000 degrees and then are molded…it is only afterwards that they are tested for there frequency and note. These pure tones vibrate our bodies on all levels beautifully because as beings we have a natural affinity to quartz. The human body is composed of many crystalline substances – the bones, blood and DNA are crystalline in structure, as well as the liquid crystal-colloidal structure of the brain. Even on a molecular level, our cells contain silica, which balances our electromagnetic energies, this connection is powerful and is felt. In this session we will be creating harmony, balance, stability and coherence in our systems. Through the breathe and consistency of the 432hz pure tones we allow a re-balancing to take place on all levels. From this space we can fully align with our true unique frequency and resonance and reach deep states of peace within As always experience is everything…come feel for yourself! "If you want to understand the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Nikola Tesla. In devotion to the whole x
Gain self-understanding by sharing your night time dreams with the group offering interpretation. Dennis has been doing projective dreamwork with groups since 1998.
Kirtan is the sacred practice of singing mantras, which comes from bhakti yoga – the yoga of love and devotion. Singing these mantras can really help us to open up our hearts and enter deep states of bliss and transcendence, helping to shift any emotional or energetic blocks that we may be carrying. Singing is such a great way to release those feel-good endorphins and express who you truly are, helping you to feel relaxed and at peace. Focusing on the words, there is little room for your mind to wander, so you can drop down into your heartspace with relative ease. Everything in this world – whether it be solid, liquid or gas – is simply vibrating energy. We can use the resonant power of certain mantras as a form of sound healing to realign our bodies and connect to something larger than ourselves, releasing and transmuting any energetic blockages. The Sanskrit language is particularly powerful because each word is imbued with such healing resonant energy, as are the mantras from the Sufi tradition. So come along and heal yourself through the power of your own voice. The throat, they say, is a bridge between the mind and the heart. Bring yourself back into alignment and experience the blissful oneness that chanting can evoke.
A 1.5/2 hour Thai Massage workshop starting with a metta meditation so the love literally flows through our hands. We pair up to learn a short Thai massage sequence where both partners get a equal amount of time to give and receive. They will be taught a mixture of yoga stretches, acupressure and soothing palm pressure to work the body in a dynamic, flowing sequence. Through these techniques emotional and physical tension is released, creating a free flow of energy throughout the body, restoring balance, health and harmony. You are left feeling relaxed, energised, rejuvenated, connected and full of love.
Ruth’s gently evocative music is born out of her own passion for self-knowledge; driven to explore the deepest essence of her humanity and her interconnectedness with the great web of life. In her music she blends the numinous with the human, weaving hypnotic guitar riffs and tender poetry with rambunctious offbeat grooves and playful word-smithery
We are going to be learning African Brazilian dance and variants.
Voice Medicine: a journey into YOUR unique sound Everything in the universe is vibration and we can change our inner state through our voice. Join Joi to explore your unique transformative instrument- your voice. Together we will unearth your sound signature, discover your vocal creativity and develop new self esteem around your vulnerabilities. Bring curiosity, kindness and courage to uncover your hidden treasure. With warm-ins, chakra toning and vocal journeying. Your voice will never be the same.
Cacao Sound Temple Dance
This session is an open space to express through drumming, sound and movement. Drumming is a way to connect to your true nature and to all. A great meditative technique and modality to calm, energize and bring all into alignment. Drum, move and use sound of your own making to feel into the changing journey of flow.
Do you have trouble saying no? Or maybe find yourself being treated a bit like a doormat by loved ones or just don't feel as respected and seen as you would like to be. In this one hour workshop you will learn how to access different archetypal energies in your body to shape your reality and feel respected, seen and able to receive whilst holding your vision for the world.
"Star is a trained Laughter PLAY Therapist and since 2016 has been facilitating laughter sessions in the local community, and at festivals i.e. BuddhaField, Conscious Connection Camp, One Heart Festival, Conscious Camp North Wales, Tantra Festival, local Wellness Fayres etc. Star works with diverse groups in the community bringing much love and laughter to others; children and parents, young people, mental health settings, learning disabilities, spiritual development groups, 121 sessions etc
Peter Latham - sitarist, guitarist and bit vocalist based in the Calder Valley of West Yorkshire - specializes in World & psychedelic influenced folk music but with dance and electronic elements thrown in the mix.
I'll be sharing messages from my books, which will include some partner work and a meditation to overcome fears. Topics covered: Self Love Mirror Work Love vs Fear Obstacles on the Journey No Longer a Caterpillar Why the Journey may be tough Religion or Love Valiant Explorers
The Matrix is real. You were born into a carefully constructed prison designed to keep you distracted while psychopathic entities suppress and exterminate you. But as daunting as that may be, it is only the plotline of an even greater game, a Matrix within a Matrix. This talk will help you to recognise the game that we are all playing and equip you with the tools to navigate both levels and play well.
Opening DanceAn opportunity for us to connect through dance and movement12:30 - 14:00
Opening CeremonyOpening Ceremony14:00 - 15:00
Breathing FreedomWant to learn how to respond to life and not just react? Sometimes feel lost, disconnected, or stuck? Then this workshop is for YOU. In this Introduction to Sovereignty Breathwork workshop, you will be given the tips, understanding and science behind WHY Conscious Connected Breathwork is powerful and vital for our overall health and well-being. Giving you a clearer understanding of why we have blocked and disrupted Breathing Patterns (and what a Breathing Pattern actually is) plus how to work through any blocks and disruptions to your respiratory system. Gaining deeper insights into HOW & WHY we hold so much of our emotional past in the way we Breathe. Accessing the tools, you need to help get those trapped and stuck emotional stressors out of the physical body so the emotional, mental, and spiritual self, feel free again.15:15 - 16:45
Rose Ceremony with Jessica SawyerIn this ceremony (which is open to all bodies) we will journey through movement, breath, sound alchemy & quantum healing into a Rose Temple space where you will receive some deep clearing. There will be space to integrate then after you will receive a personal healing code for your Souls Evolution.17:00 - 18:30
BreakBreak18:30 - 19:15
Letting Love Win!In this workshop we choose one conflict and using techniques and teachings from my book How to Let Love Win we generate lasting breakthroughs and restore Love. In the longer version we experience a powerful release of suppressed emotion through. using the Shiva Fire Breath (as taught to me by Babaji). "We met last August and discussed my estranged daughter, who I hadn't seen for over 10 years. She is now 23. You gave me some clear guidance about what to say and a new perspective on the issue. Well, turns out the universe conspired to assist and I have now met her twice – each time for about 3 hours. We walk by the river and talk, catch up. It's very early days and we haven't yet touched any difficult subject matter. There will be time enough for that. I think we are both trying to preserve what we have back and are enjoying the moment. But we can hug and laugh and bask in the joy of being reunited I wanted to write and thank you. I feel a deep and profound sense of gratitude – both that I met you and for the guidance, you were able to impart. That gratitude will be etched into me forever so please know you have had an extraordinary impact on my life." It works!19:15 - 21:00
432hz Crystal Sound Harmonic Resonance Experience with AndreaExperience the harmonic resonance of 432hz quartz crystal bowls. Felt on all levels of our being, using the 432 hz frequencies and harmonics we allow the mind chat a rest and it is the turn of the body to teach and entrain the mind. Resonating with these universal harmonics of nature we come back to our true personal resonance and we allow our bodies to relax fully and reach deep states of meditation and peace. Join with like minded souls for a 1 hour shared experience of these incredibly harmonious frequencies.21:00 - 22:30
Break06:00 - 14:00
Circle & DanceJoin the morning circle to honour each other, and allow one another to express whatever they feel they need to. A place to voice anything you feel needs to be spoken within a held space.08:30 - 10:00
The Wisdom of your Dreams with Dennis RichardsGain self-understanding by sharing your night time dreams with the group offering interpretation. Dennis has been doing projective dreamwork with groups since 1998.10:00 - 11:45
KirtanKirtan is the sacred practice of singing mantras, which comes from bhakti yoga – the yoga of love and devotion. Singing these mantras can really help us to open up our hearts and enter deep states of bliss and transcendence, helping to shift any emotional or energetic blocks that we may be carrying. Singing is such a great way to release those feel-good endorphins and express who you truly are, helping you to feel relaxed and at peace. Focusing on the words, there is little room for your mind to wander, so you can drop down into your heartspace with relative ease.12:00 - 13:15
BreakBreak13:15 - 14:00
The Touch of Love - Massage WorkshopA 1.5/2 hour Thai Massage workshop starting with a metta meditation so the love literally flows through our hands. We pair up to learn a short Thai massage sequence where both partners get a equal amount of time to give and receive. They will be taught a mixture of yoga stretches, acupressure and soothing palm pressure to work the body in a dynamic, flowing sequence. Through these techniques emotional and physical tension is released, creating a free flow of energy throughout the body, restoring balance, health and harmony. You are left feeling relaxed, energised, rejuvenated, connected and full of love.14:00 - 15:30
Ruth BlakeRuth’s gently evocative music is born out of her own passion for self-knowledge; driven to explore the deepest essence of her humanity and her interconnectedness with the great web of life. In her music she blends the numinous with the human, weaving hypnotic guitar riffs and tender poetry with rambunctious offbeat grooves and playful word-smithery15:45 - 17:15
African/ Brazilian MovesWe are going to be learning African Brazilian dance and variants.17:30 - 18:30
BreakBreak18:30 - 19:15
Voice Medicine with JoiVoice Medicine: a journey into YOUR unique sound Everything in the universe is vibration and we can change our inner state through our voice. Join Joi to explore your unique transformative instrument- your voice. Together we will unearth your sound signature, discover your vocal creativity and develop new self esteem around your vulnerabilities. Bring curiosity, kindness and courage to uncover your hidden treasure. With warm-ins, chakra toning and vocal journeying. Your voice will never be the same.19:00 - 20:00
Cacao Sound Temple DanceCacao Sound Temple Dance - Click for Tickets20:00 - 22:30
Circle & DanceJoin the morning circle to honour each other, and allow one another to express whatever they feel they need to. A place to voice anything you feel needs to be spoken within a held space.08:30 - 10:00
Percussion Movement with NicolaThis session is an open space to express through drumming, sound and movement. Drumming is a way to connect to your true nature and to all. A great meditative technique and modality to calm, energize and bring all into alignment. Drum, move and use sound of your own making to feel into the changing journey of flow.10:00 - 11:15
Embodying boundaries with LaurenDo you have trouble saying no? Or maybe find yourself being treated a bit like a doormat by loved ones or just don't feel as respected and seen as you would like to be. In this one hour workshop you will learn how to access different archetypal energies in your body to shape your reality and feel respected, seen and able to receive whilst holding your vision for the world.11:30 - 13:00
BreakBreak13:15 - 14:00
Laughter PLAY – Embracing Your Inner Child"Star is a trained Laughter PLAY Therapist and since 2016 has been facilitating laughter sessions in the local community, and at festivals i.e. BuddhaField, Conscious Connection Camp, One Heart Festival, Conscious Camp North Wales, Tantra Festival, local Wellness Fayres etc. Star works with diverse groups in the community bringing much love and laughter to others; children and parents, young people, mental health settings, learning disabilities, spiritual development groups, 121 sessions etc14:00 - 15:30
Peter Latham - sitarist, guitarist and bit vocalist based in the Calder Valley of West YorkshirePeter Latham - sitarist, guitarist and bit vocalist based in the Calder Valley of West Yorkshire - specializes in World & psychedelic influenced folk music but with dance and electronic elements thrown in the mix.15:45 - 16:45
Our Journey Back to Love with KeithI'll be sharing messages from my books, which will include some partner work and a meditation to overcome fears. Topics covered: Self Love Mirror Work Love vs Fear Obstacles on the Journey No Longer a Caterpillar Why the Journey may be tough Religion or Love Valiant Explorers17:00 - 18:30
BreakBreak18:30 - 19:15
Silent DiscoSilent Disco with DJ Nathen20:00 - 22:30
Circle & DanceJoin the morning circle to honour each other, and allow one another to express whatever they feel they need to. A place to voice anything you feel needs to be spoken within a held space.08:30 - 10:00
Navigating the Matrix with Allegedly DaveThe Matrix is real. You were born into a carefully constructed prison designed to keep you distracted while psychopathic entities suppress and exterminate you. But as daunting as that may be, it is only the plotline of an even greater game, a Matrix within a Matrix. This talk will help you to recognise the game that we are all playing and equip you with the tools to navigate both levels and play well.10:15 - 11:45
Yoga with KirstyKirsty has been teaching Yoga for many years and has taught Yoga at Conscious Camp many times. We always get very good feedback from her participants.12:00 - 13:30
Closing CeremonyThe closing of Sacred Space, renew intentions, connection, and goodbyes.14:00 - 15:00