Main Marquee CC SEP21
Similar to a kaleidoscope we can be considered to be made up of hundreds of different 'pieces' both within and outside of our awareness. As we age, grow, heal , and stretch the shape of us changes, we change how we 'show up' relative to our situations and relationships. This workshop explores what those different parts of self are and how they come together to present our energy 'pattern' in any one moment, especially in relationships. Bringing awareness to our parts of self can bring self awareness and attention to the conscious choices available of how we show up and how we can indeed be the change we wish to see in the world. Suitable for ages 12 up. Paper and pens provided.
Andrew is certified and experienced Sound Healer and natural channel with a gift of embodying sound. I was born into a mediumistic family and have been of a path of Spirit for over 30 years. Medicine Mantra Sound Journeys create deep resonant frequencies that harmonise with the collective energy field in an empathic, intuitive way that allows an attunement and energy shifting process to bring our energies into balance. Vocal techniques such as throat singing, polyphonic sounding, primal sounds and ancestral song to root you into your body and to help transmute collective trauma.
I'm Stephanie Gaëlle, a certified astrologer from The Mayo School of Astrolgy, and I'm always keen to share my passion about the stars. Astrology is a fantastic, accurate tool to better know ourselves, to be aware of all our potentials, to find and achieve our life mission. In each birth chart, there are more than 1500 parameters which enable us to access a better Self-knowledge. A chart analysis gives keys to progress on our life path, to overcome some challenging aspects, and reach fulfilment. "To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom." This famous quote attributed to Socrates is my guideline as an astrologer. Therefore my purpose with this workshop is to make you able to understand the main energies of your own birth chart. I will give you the means to get the meaning of your personal planets positions in signs and houses, as well as the meaning of your Ascendant, Middle Sky and North Node (related to our life purpose). Website: https://www.stephanielopez.info/astrology
Revelations from Neolithic womb cultures offer a glimpse of the potential of what it means to be a real womb-man.. The current planetary shifts in consciousness offer an opportunity for new ways of being as Womb-men. This talk is the education all girls missed out on in the west. After the download there will be a womb activation.
Embodiment and food. An experiential workshop exploring our inner landscape, relationship with food and developing our tool kit for the life we want utilising the profound art of neuro-linguistic programming
Why 432 hz? Since 1953 all of our music worldwide has been tuned to the standard concert pitch of A=440 Hz as agreed and promoted by the International Standards Organization (ISO) . Before this point, through ancient times most instruments… native flutes, sitars, didgeridoos were all tuned to 432 hz. Even with just 8hz difference it is said that the 440hz tuning may create disharmony in our systems, when we look at the vibratory nature of the universe and cymatics, it's a clear possibility that this pitch is not harmonious with the natural resonance of nature and could cause less than desirable effects on our behaviour and consciousness. The benefits of re tuning ourselves to the universal harmonics of nature are profound…working with the 432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. It is said that 432 Hz vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code, and consciousness. There is much research out there and i would invite you if you feel called to research deeper into this subject. I will also be available to discuss this in more detail before and after the session. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiralling pattern of nature, our sense of connection and well being is said to be magnified. This interesting number, 432, also come up again in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, as well as the procession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, and the Sri Yantra, alongside many other sacred sites. In this harmonic resonance session we will be working with 7 Quartz Crystal Singing bowls all tuned to this 432hz Scale, we work with sacred geometry and Pythagorean intervals to create peace and harmony in our systems. Why Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls? Working with Quartz crystal acts as an oscillator, magnifying and transmitting pure tones. This is why pure quartz crystal is used in all the most advanced telecommunications systems. Like a powerful radio transmitter, the crystal bowls transmit energy into the atmosphere, enhanced with clarity and intention. A sacred space is created and we journey deeply with these pure crystalline tones Each crystal bowl is made of 99.9999 % Quartz Crystal heated to 4000 degrees and then are molded…it is only afterwards that they are tested for there frequency and note. These pure tones vibrate our bodies on all levels beautifully because as beings we have a natural affinity to quartz. The human body is composed of many crystalline substances – the bones, blood and DNA are crystalline in structure, as well as the liquid crystal-colloidal structure of the brain. Even on a molecular level, our cells contain silica, which balances our electromagnetic energies, this connection is powerful and is felt. In this session we will be creating harmony, balance, stability and coherence in our systems. Through the breathe and consistency of the 432hz pure tones we allow a re-balancing to take place on all levels. From this space we can fully align with our true unique frequency and resonance and reach deep states of peace within As always experience is everything…come feel for yourself! "If you want to understand the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Nikola Tesla. In devotion to the whole x
A meditative approach to applying colour… Starting with a blank mind and a blank canvas letting instinct take control… Art for meditation and mindfulness… Letting emotions come through on an abstract level… Discussion on our relationship with art… Guidance on developing techniques and approaches to painting… Q and A…
As you progress from a focus on the physical postures to an energetic practice, you’ll use the yin poses to connect with the energy of the subtle body and the chakra centers. Yin is the perfect balance for anyone with stress, anxiety, a monkey-mind that won't turn off, perfectionists, and those looking to feel more grounded, healed, and balanced. Unblock and Heal Your Chakras & Open Up Your Body · Travel up the chakras for deep healing, relaxation, and transformation · Allow your fascia, ligaments, and places of tension and stress in the body to get fluid and release · Improve your flexibility and inner balance · Unblock the Seven Chakras to Invite In Emotional Healing and Energetic Wellness · Go Inwards and Connect Within Use Yoga to Encourage Physical, Emotional, and Energetic Healing Dive into deep, slow, long breathing as you settle into the pose and then come to the point of stillness. Access the spaciousness within by focusing on the breath. In addition to receiving the benefits of the physical yin yoga practice, the yin yoga poses are carefully selected to target healing for your chakras (seven energy centers in the body), Contents and Overview When your seven chakras are blocked and holding unresolved past trauma, pain, hurt, you’ll feel unbalanced and constricted in the body, mind, and emotions. We will focus on balancing each of the seven chakras for more well-being in mind, body, and soul. By the end of this workshop, I hope you can feel your mind, body, soul connection and feel empowered to heal yourself by allowing the chakra to release blockages and more energy to flow smoothly as more joy flows into your life. Who this workshop is for: · Anyone who wishes to establish a healing yoga program that balances out yang energy. · Anyone who wants to learn about the chakras and ways to find a deep mind, body, soul connection for more balance, serenity, and joy. Who this workshop is for: Beginners welcome 🙂
We will then activate and cultivate our Inner Shakti, breathing up through our Chakra system, with opportunity to move our body, shake out and clear any stagnation from our physical and energetic bodies!!! Andrea created this session from her ‘Kundalini Dance’ practice and is excited to share this with you!
This workshop will be focusing on delivering an overview of The Teachings Of Abraham and The Law Of Attraction. It will be practical and spiritually based. I will be giving people tools to practice, concepts to ponder and also open up the floor for questions.
Be taken on a wonderful healing and transformational journey to learn about Atlantis, the Atlanteans and visit the crystal temples of Atlantis, and connect with your past lives and Atlantean selves through a journey of crystalline sound of the bowls.. The anchoring of the Golden Age of Aquarius presents the world and those on it with a wonderful opportunity to shift into a new experience of being here on Earth. One where the true nature of our beings can be experienced and anchored in the physical plane. In this very exciting time the Atlantean Crystalline grid once again becomes fully active and switched on once again. This brings down the energy of the energy of the new Golden Age. This is the first time this has happened since Atlantis thousands of years ago.
Kirtan is the sacred practice of singing mantras, which comes from bhakti yoga – the yoga of love and devotion. Singing these mantras can really help us to open up our hearts and enter deep states of bliss and transcendence, helping to shift any emotional or energetic blocks that we may be carrying. Singing is such a great way to release those feel-good endorphins and express who you truly are, helping you to feel relaxed and at peace. Focusing on the words, there is little room for your mind to wander, so you can drop down into your heartspace with relative ease. Everything in this world – whether it be solid, liquid or gas – is simply vibrating energy. We can use the resonant power of certain mantras as a form of sound healing to realign our bodies and connect to something larger than ourselves, releasing and transmuting any energetic blockages. The Sanskrit language is particularly powerful because each word is imbued with such healing resonant energy, as are the mantras from the Sufi tradition. So come along and heal yourself through the power of your own voice. The throat, they say, is a bridge between the mind and the heart. Bring yourself back into alignment and experience the blissful oneness that chanting can evoke.
In the mist of what seems like a never ending web of uncertainty. I invite us to come together and celebrate each other, ourselves and this beautiful planet we live on. Let’s let loose, dance, play and connect!
Peter Latham - sitarist, guitarist and bit vocalist based in the Calder Valley of West Yorkshire - specializes in World & psychedelic influenced folk music but with dance and electronic elements thrown in the mix.
Morning CircleJoin the morning circle to honour each other, and allow one another to express whatever they feel they need to. A place to voice anything you feel needs to be spoken within a held space.08:30 - 09:30
Breakfast09:00 - 10:00
The workshop is designed to assist exploration into the parts of self that we all have in a way to build self knowing, compassion and an opportunity to show up as the change you wish to be in the world through your relationships.10:00 - 11:30
Medicine Mantra Sound JourneyA unique vocal sound experience to be held collectively as we journey through a spirit led intuitive healing process with medicine mantra, spirit drum, tibetan bowls, shruti and flute.11:45 - 13:00
LUNCH13:00 - 14:00
Opening Ceremony of parted friendsWe will open sacred space while giving thanks to and remembering our departed friends, Linda, Kzee, Theo and Liam14:00 - 15:30
An introduction to astrologyThis workshop will explain the basics of the zodiac wheel symbolism, and give you keys to understand the meaning of your personal planets in your own birth chart.15:30 - 16:30
The Future of feminism in psychedelics and the Ecosphere with RainbowRevelations from Neolithic womb cultures offer a glimpse of the potential of what it means to be a real womb-man.. The current planetary shifts in consciousness offer an opportunity for new ways of being as Womb-men. This talk is the education all girls missed out on in the west. After the download there will be a womb activation.16:30 - 18:00
DINNER18:00 - 19:15
Embodiment and FoodEmbodiment and food. An experiential workshop exploring our inner landscape, relationship with food and developing our tool kit for the life we want utilising the profound art of neuro-linguistic programming19:30 - 20:45
432hz Crystal Sound Harmonic Resonance Experience with AndreaExperience the harmonic resonance of 432hz quartz crystal bowls. Felt on all levels of our being, using the 432 hz frequencies and harmonics we allow the mind chat a rest and it is the turn of the body to teach and entrain the mind. Resonating with these universal harmonics of nature we come back to our true personal resonance and we allow our bodies to relax fully and reach deep states of meditation and peace. Join with like minded souls for a 1 hour shared experience of these incredibly harmonious frequencies.21:00 - 22:30
Morning CircleJoin the morning circle to honour each other, and allow one another to express whatever they feel they need to. A place to voice anything you feel needs to be spoken within a held space.08:30 - 09:30
Breakfast09:00 - 10:00
Paint a Master Peace of Mind…A meditative approach to applying colour… Starting with a blank mind and a blank canvas letting instinct take control… Art for meditation and mindfulness… Letting emotions come through on an abstract level… Discussion on our relationship with art… Guidance on developing techniques and approaches to painting… Q and A…10:00 - 11:15
Yin Yoga To Balance and Heal the ChakrasIn this Yin Yoga Workshop, Mahala will guide you to the deeper dimensions of yourself as you turn your attention inward. You can experience deep healing as you settle into theses Yin postures for 2-5 minutes and allow your body to melt at the point of sensation. Yin Yoga can open your capacity for connection, flexibility, serenity, and consciousness. This workshop is open to any level of fitness.11:45 - 13:00
LUNCH13:00 - 14:00
Laughter YogaLaughter Yoga with Andy14:00 - 15:15
Shakti Shiva Chakra ActivationJoin Andrea for this Shamanic Embodiment session utilising breathwork and energy movement keys to connect into the Earth (feminine) energies and with the Solar (masculine) energies to create a beautiful flow of energy.15:30 - 16:30
Understanding The Law Of Attraction and the Abraham Hicks TeachingsCome and understand how the powerful Law Of Attraction works and how the Teachings Of Abraham can transform your life.16:30 - 18:00
DINNER18:00 - 19:15
Cabaret / Open Mic19:30 - 20:45
Sacred Journey to Atlantis with ScottBe taken on a wonderful healing and transformational journey to learn about Atlantis, the Atlanteans and visit the crystal temples of Atlantis, and connect with your past lives and Atlantean selves through a journey of crystalline sound of the bowls..21:00 - 22:30
Morning CircleJoin the morning circle to honour each other, and allow one another to express whatever they feel they need to. A place to voice anything you feel needs to be spoken within a held space.08:30 - 09:30
Breakfast09:00 - 10:00
TBCTBC10:00 - 11:15
KirtanKirtan is the sacred practice of singing mantras, which comes from bhakti yoga – the yoga of love and devotion. Singing these mantras can really help us to open up our hearts and enter deep states of bliss and transcendence, helping to shift any emotional or energetic blocks that we may be carrying. Singing is such a great way to release those feel-good endorphins and express who you truly are, helping you to feel relaxed and at peace. Focusing on the words, there is little room for your mind to wander, so you can drop down into your heartspace with relative ease.11:30 - 13:00
LUNCH13:00 - 14:00
Playful Celebrations with MicaIn the mist of what seems like a never ending web of uncertainty. I invite us to come together and celebrate each other, ourselves and this beautiful planet we live on. Let’s let loose, dance, play and connect!14:00 - 15:30
Peter Latham - sitarist, guitarist and bit vocalist based in the Calder Valley of West YorkshirePeter Latham - sitarist, guitarist and bit vocalist based in the Calder Valley of West Yorkshire - specializes in World & psychedelic influenced folk music but with dance and electronic elements thrown in the mix.15:45 - 16:45
Closing CeremonyThe closing of Sacred Space, renew intentions, connection, and goodbyes.17:00 - 18:00
DINNER18:00 - 19:15